The Percepts duo is intended to be a unique experience, a total immersion in the sound, his timbres, his vibrations. A perceptive experience encouraging introspection, meditation and transcendence, or more simply, the pleasure of senses.
An experience that intends to be the result of sound performances set up with space, with lights, and sometimes with images in order to serve in the best way the imaginary worlds put in music by composers coming from all over the world.
Modal, serial, spectral, electroacoustic, probabilistic, repetitive, noisy, dramatized musics… From Africa, Asia, Europe, or America, influenced by various cultures, world perceptions, nature or civilizations.
Each Percepts concerts is a new adventure across musical frontiers, space, time…
Because Art is a mirror handed to mankind, the music we propose intends to reflect it in its complexity, its universality